The task of the organization of work time is extremely important for any indie developer. It can be difficult to stay focused. Various social networks, entertainment portals and other distractions tend to attract our attention, and the work suffers as a result.
Working Time Manager is a program designed to help solve these problems. It is designed to help those who are trying to deal with laziness, increase their efficiency, to get the job done without distractions. The system helps track the progress of your work and speeds it up as a result.
Upon completion of a task, Working Time Manager provides the results as screenshots that the worker can use to assess their progress. Also, to keep track of the progress of your activities, you can use the "statistics" module.
It can used for the administration and analysis of the employees working time.
Excellent and simple free utility to monitor your working and idle hours.
The software to track how much time you spend on different projects and tasks.